The 119th Fighter Wing, also known as the "Happy Hooligans," began operations with the F-51D back in 1947. Over the years, the unit served the North Dakota Air National Guard with honor. The "Happy Hooligan's" flew a myriad of different aircraft including their first jet aircraft, the F-94 from 1954-60. Following this bird, the unit operated the F-89D/J, the F-102A and the F-101B Voodoo until 1977. That same year they transitioned to the F-4D Phantom, accumulating more than 51,000 hours from 1977 to 1990 without a Class A mishap. The unit's last fighter was the F-16A Fighting Falcon which they received in April 1990. In 2007 the squadron traded in the Falcons and now have begun operating the Predator UAV.
Dash 2 Aviation was fortunate enough to fly with their F-16's during Homeland Security air combat training missions. The Wing maintained a detachment at Langley AFB, Virginia and was on alert to handle any potential terrorist incidents. The alert responsibility was subsequently handed over to the Vermont Air National Guard.