Farewell Falcons for the 119th Fighter Wing

The 119th Fighter Wing, also known as the "Happy Hooligans," began operations with the F-51D back in 1947. Over the years, the unit served the North Dakota Air National Guard with honor. The "Happy Hooligan's" flew a myriad of different aircraft including their first jet aircraft, the F-94 from 1954-60. Following this bird, the unit operated the F-89D/J, the F-102A and the F-101B Voodoo until 1977. That same year they transitioned to the F-4D Phantom, accumulating more than 51,000 hours from 1977 to 1990 without a Class A mishap. The unit's last fighter was the F-16A Fighting Falcon which they received in April 1990. In 2007 the squadron traded in the Falcons and now have begun operating the Predator UAV.

Dash 2 Aviation was fortunate enough to fly with their F-16's during Homeland Security air combat training missions. The Wing maintained a detachment at Langley AFB, Virginia and was on alert to handle any potential terrorist incidents. The alert responsibility was subsequently handed over to the Vermont Air National Guard.

373 Nesconset Highway #101 | Hauppauge, NY | 11788
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